LiDAR (3D) Scanning
Drone Scanning
Topographic Survey
Non-intrusive Surveying
3D Modelling
Virtual & Augmented Reality
Asset Identificaiton & Tagging
Pumping Systems
Hydraulics Analysis
Mechanical Equipment Design
Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis
Power Distribution Calculations Instrument, cable and I/O scheduling
Lighting Design
Renewable Energy Design​
Electrical Design
Civil Design
Base Slab Design
Concrete Tanks
Retaining Walls
Structural Condition Survey & Reports
Other Services
BIMTek also provide a range of other services such as 'Record / As Build' drawing production and Optioneering.
Contact us to find out if we can help.​​​
Electrical Design
BIMTek Limited is an established engineering practice in the South West, offering professional survey and design services primarily in the water, wastewater and construction sectors.
We offer a wide range of services; from full site surveys using our in-house 3D scanner and drone, to preparation of construction documentation during detail design, including design for offsite manufacture.
We are building and changing for the future, not just within the company but in the services we offer. New technology and construction techniques are constantly changing the world of construction. Using the latest software allows us to offer a more cost effective and sustainable solution in today's complex engineering problems.
Year Established
Projects Completed
Scan Counter
This project involved the replacement of a fish screen system at Crowhill Water Treatment Works for Welsh Water. The outline design was produced by a third party. BIMTek were responsible for producing a 3d coordination model and layout drawings for the main contractor.
The 3d model was incredibly useful for this project as the project had a number of stakeholders. It allowed for changes to incorporated effectively as the design progressed.
BIMTek worked on all phases of the Poole, East Quay PS refit for Wessex Water.
They key aspects of the project were
replacement of 3 no. shaft driven pumps;
removing part of building for improved ventilation and access of wet well;
new MCC;
redesigning the front of the building to improve access, parking and access to the generator.
Bourton Water Treatment Works has recently undergone a full refit. With installation of new pumps, treatment systems and all associated plant.
BIMTek were responsible scanning the existing site and developing a 3d model inclusive of; Pipework, Pumps,
Crane, Chemical Dosing Points and
Access Metalworks.
The model was then utilised to produce pipework fabrication drawings but also to ensure no conflicts between pipework, lifting framework and access metalwork.​
BIMTek have worked on multiple phases of this project for Bristol Water. The first phase was to assist in optioneering. BIMTek produced an outline design for 3 possible locations for the new electrochlorination plant to be installed.
For the second phase, BIMTek produced a detailed design for the chosen location. We are currently working on an update to this design following initial investigation works.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please use the form below or the contact details to the right.
Somer Valley Enterprise Park
Paulton House,
Old Mills,
Paulton, BS39 7SX
Tel: +44(0)7773605870